Nickname: gynkys
Age: 18
English skill (1-10): 10
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: 2 days, 5 hours, 165k RP
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: Around 2-3 hours per day, it really depends, I'd be able to spend as much as 5 hours if I'm really feeling like it.
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: Issue a warning, if the individual keeps spamming, mute him for 20 minutes.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?: Try to calm both sides, and find the perpetrator. If they continue arguing mute both for however I feel is right.
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): I've been an admin on two SA:MP servers, as well as one Garry's Mod server, and a few Counter-Strike servers.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Romanian, English.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): There's quite the community of Romanians on the server, and I believe that there is a lack of moderation in everything they do. Romanians are quite gullible, and toxic at times, and because of our nature, tend to get into arguments quite easily - That being said, I consider it necessary for there to be an admin to keep it under control, as the lack of a Romanian admin is quite obvious. I also consider I've garnered enough knowledge to efficiently help new players in terms of everything server-wise. I believe I'm right for this as I'm quite calm, and manage to be empathical in arguments, as to see both sides, and give appropiate punishments for bad behavior.
- Registration Date: 24-05-2017
- Last Visit: 18-08-2019, 12:23
- Offline
gynkys's Forum Info
- Group: Server Moderator
- Total Posts: 6
- Time online: 11 Hours, 38 Minutes, 51 Seconds
- Title: Server Moderator
- Date of Birth:: Not Specified
- Members Referred: 0
- Reputation: 1 [Details]
- Warning Level:
gynkys's Contact Details
- Email: Send gynkys an email.
- Private Message: Send gynkys a private message.
Additional Info About gynkys
- Sex: Undisclosed
gynkys's Signature
Lista przyjaciółW temacie: Update 19-20.08.2017
Odpowiedzi: 1720-08-2017, 00:52
thank you now i can beat futos in my hermes
W temacie: Discussion: Method for user voting about best looking cars
Odpowiedzi: 816-08-2017, 12:51
can't you do polls on the forum?
just make it so and whoever votes for himself gets disqualified
just make it so and whoever votes for himself gets disqualified
W temacie: lowering/stancing cars
Odpowiedzi: 3Temat: gynkys
Odpowiedzi: 303-09-2017, 19:07
Nickname: gynkys
Age: 18
English skill (1-10): 10
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: 2 days, 5 hours, 165k RP
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: Around 2-3 hours per day, it really depends, I'd be able to spend as much as 5 hours if I'm really feeling like it.
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: Issue a warning, if the individual keeps spamming, mute him for 20 minutes.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?: Try to calm both sides, and find the perpetrator. If they continue arguing mute both for however I feel is right.
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): I've been an admin on two SA:MP servers, as well as one Garry's Mod server, and a few Counter-Strike servers.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Romanian, English.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): There's quite the community of Romanians on the server, and I believe that there is a lack of moderation in everything they do. Romanians are quite gullible, and toxic at times, and because of our nature, tend to get into arguments quite easily - That being said, I consider it necessary for there to be an admin to keep it under control, as the lack of a Romanian admin is quite obvious. I also consider I've garnered enough knowledge to efficiently help new players in terms of everything server-wise. I believe I'm right for this as I'm quite calm, and manage to be empathical in arguments, as to see both sides, and give appropiate punishments for bad behavior.
Age: 18
English skill (1-10): 10
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: 2 days, 5 hours, 165k RP
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: Around 2-3 hours per day, it really depends, I'd be able to spend as much as 5 hours if I'm really feeling like it.
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: Issue a warning, if the individual keeps spamming, mute him for 20 minutes.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?: Try to calm both sides, and find the perpetrator. If they continue arguing mute both for however I feel is right.
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): I've been an admin on two SA:MP servers, as well as one Garry's Mod server, and a few Counter-Strike servers.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Romanian, English.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): There's quite the community of Romanians on the server, and I believe that there is a lack of moderation in everything they do. Romanians are quite gullible, and toxic at times, and because of our nature, tend to get into arguments quite easily - That being said, I consider it necessary for there to be an admin to keep it under control, as the lack of a Romanian admin is quite obvious. I also consider I've garnered enough knowledge to efficiently help new players in terms of everything server-wise. I believe I'm right for this as I'm quite calm, and manage to be empathical in arguments, as to see both sides, and give appropiate punishments for bad behavior.
Temat: lowering/stancing cars
Odpowiedzi: 327-05-2017, 11:49
it'd be nice if you could lower your car and change the track width, i dont think it'd be too difficult either, and just set limits either to each cars, or just a general limit to each car, perhaps for suvs make it so you can raise it, and perhaps make it so when you lower it you lose speed at jumps but suspension is a bit more responsive, kind of like in nfs most wanted