Locations : San Fierro, Doherty.
Type : Circuit.
Authors : JN, Gemir235.
Name : Pan-Doherty.
Route :
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M3wr4RZqdg
2:00 - The end of the showing map.
2:45 - The end of our race.
After 2:45 we're just hanging out on our map :p
Type : Circuit.
Authors : JN, Gemir235.
Name : Pan-Doherty.
Route :
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M3wr4RZqdg
2:00 - The end of the showing map.
2:45 - The end of our race.
After 2:45 we're just hanging out on our map :p