Nickname: gynkys
Age: 18
English skill (1-10): 10
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: 2 days, 5 hours, 165k RP
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: Around 2-3 hours per day, it really depends, I'd be able to spend as much as 5 hours if I'm really feeling like it.
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: Issue a warning, if the individual keeps spamming, mute him for 20 minutes.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?: Try to calm both sides, and find the perpetrator. If they continue arguing mute both for however I feel is right.
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): I've been an admin on two SA:MP servers, as well as one Garry's Mod server, and a few Counter-Strike servers.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Romanian, English.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): There's quite the community of Romanians on the server, and I believe that there is a lack of moderation in everything they do. Romanians are quite gullible, and toxic at times, and because of our nature, tend to get into arguments quite easily - That being said, I consider it necessary for there to be an admin to keep it under control, as the lack of a Romanian admin is quite obvious. I also consider I've garnered enough knowledge to efficiently help new players in terms of everything server-wise. I believe I'm right for this as I'm quite calm, and manage to be empathical in arguments, as to see both sides, and give appropiate punishments for bad behavior.
Age: 18
English skill (1-10): 10
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: 2 days, 5 hours, 165k RP
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: Around 2-3 hours per day, it really depends, I'd be able to spend as much as 5 hours if I'm really feeling like it.
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: Issue a warning, if the individual keeps spamming, mute him for 20 minutes.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?: Try to calm both sides, and find the perpetrator. If they continue arguing mute both for however I feel is right.
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): I've been an admin on two SA:MP servers, as well as one Garry's Mod server, and a few Counter-Strike servers.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Romanian, English.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): There's quite the community of Romanians on the server, and I believe that there is a lack of moderation in everything they do. Romanians are quite gullible, and toxic at times, and because of our nature, tend to get into arguments quite easily - That being said, I consider it necessary for there to be an admin to keep it under control, as the lack of a Romanian admin is quite obvious. I also consider I've garnered enough knowledge to efficiently help new players in terms of everything server-wise. I believe I'm right for this as I'm quite calm, and manage to be empathical in arguments, as to see both sides, and give appropiate punishments for bad behavior.