Ok. You, my son, are about to get rekt.
1) You reported this player already a few times, in last days, I didn't understand spanish, i typed the text into google translator, it didnt look like an insult
2) then you sent me this screen you posted in this topic, I asked the other player why he insulted you. He said you insulted him first
3) I don't speak your language. You asked me in PM if I speak spanish, I said "No, i speak only english" - Still you're pming me and want me to mute someone, although I don't even understand what he said.
4) I tried to use google translator, to understand what the player in the screenshot wrote, I found a insult, but the player wasn't online. So I couldn't mute him.
otro este es re ez -> Another this is rez
vamoh a otro -> Let's go to another
queres unmute tomy ? -> Do you want tomm unmute ?
CHUPAME EL PNGO -> SUCK THE PNGO - so this here could be an insult, not even a harmful. but I told you 20 times, that this user "DA|Tomy" wasn't online the time you reported him, so I couldn't mute him.
5) You wrote like 10 times, that I should mute "TheAlba", you said, it was because he insulted you, you send me that screenshot of DA|Tomys insult - I said that I wont mute TheAlba because it's not the player who insulted you. You got mad and started to write emojis like "-.-" and started to get even more annoying with it
6) I wrote "stop crying on me ..." and so on, because you didn't stop to annoy me and i was sick of it. How many times should I've told you, that DA|Tomy wasn't online anymore? I clearly said, that he wasn't. And you still wanted me to mute TheAlba, although he didn't say anything in this screen. I said I wont mute him -> you got even more mad.
7) At the evening I was busy with the german translation bartek prepared for me. So why didn't you just pm any other team member? there were a few online.
8) and lets get to the facts, here are a few screenshots to prove what I wrote, and the real original chatlog
Screens: the last "conversation" we had, where I tried the last time to help him:
http://i.imgur.com/OPnJXkr.jpg ;
Proof that he was the user "MyLife" in the first screen:
http://i.imgur.com/TZeD6wQ.png ;
Proof that I asked TheAlba if he insulted him:
http://i.imgur.com/GyWOGbE.png + another proof that his nick was "MyLife" in that time
Proof that I sent TheAlba the screen and asked him if he is DA|Tomy:
And the best and most important: The whole conversation in last few days between me an ElRuso aka Rusito, aka MyLife:
http://pastebin.com/raw/xBG95kKq - I've added a few comments, but I DIDN'T cut out any pm's that I sent to him or he sent to me. - To prove that, I think bartek or other NFS:SA Team members could also check the logs on the server, where they can't be edited. Also there is some strange stuff from Maryana where she asks me to unmute TheAlba (idk who muted him) and where I ask TheAlba if he insulted him and if he is DA|Tomy.
Edit: You made another report against TheAlba at 1st March 2017 at 22:17, that was short time after our last conversation, where I tried to help you.
The Subject of that Report was "TheAlba". The text: "Bones no block pm's -.-
https://gyazo.com/a4fd94db11caaaf1cff2e33823602159" - Ok. Here we go again. - Carl Johnson, 2004
1) I was busy, because I focused on the last variables of the german translation and didn't want to get disturbed, my nickname was BusyBones, you could have even translate that in google translator.
2) I tried to translate the damn screen you sent (backup upload:
Porque El Choto Este Quiere Ser Mi Amigo Can Ese Character -> Why El Choto This Wants To Be My Friend Can That Character
I don't see any insult in that sentence. I wouldn't mute him -> you would explode from madness
3) once again, you could have pm any other team member, I don't know why you choose me.
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2017, 04:04 by deadboy.)