Who are we?
We are currently a small group made out of 2 friends, me and Bronana. We play on the server and have fun on it, like every other player. Before, me and Bronana used to play on DD servers. I also used to play on couple of DM servers (not the boring killing each other deathmatch). After some time, Bronana informed me that NFS server is going to be created on MTA and obviously I got interested, and here we are. On the server, we can be seen under the tag [FA].
Where did the idea came from?
When me and Bronana heard of new crew system, we thought about creating ''our'' own group of trusted people which we would play with and have fun with. We started with thinking about some lame and funny name and we finished with Fueled by Alcohol. We intend to expand our ''group'' of friends and play with them.
Do we have rank system?
No we don't, like I stated above, we are a group of friends who just want to have fun. Everybody is equal but me and Bronana make decisions on the clan.
If you're interested in joining our group, you can contact me or Bronana on the NFS forum or through the game.
If you any have questions, you can write them down here or just contact either me or Bronana.
This thread will be updated.
To all butthurted players, it's only a name, calm down, don't hate because someone is under 18.
To all butthurted players, it's only a name, calm down, don't hate because someone is under 18.