As most people around rarely choose to find a quick race and if someone does, he'll ended up an empty lobby. So tweaks here:
Merge them in the same section, don't mix it yet.
As simply "Race" button, there'll be two tabs: RANDOM LOBBY (as now QR) and CUSTOM LOBBY. Players can view all available lobbies here (Custom Lobbies doesn't need changes for now).
System WILL auto-match when there's random lobby with similar rank (Toggleable. If turned off, player stays at lobby list).
If there's no available match for that rank, player can choose to join BUT needs permission from lobby host (probably the first guy who enters/creates the lobby).
In case there's actually no lobby, player can pick any empty lobby to join (which probably shows which next race will be).
System may supports up to 4 empty lobbies (excluding all lobby which have first player entered in the first place).
Here's most of it, any more suggestions I might add here. Feel free to give opinions.
Merge them in the same section, don't mix it yet.
As simply "Race" button, there'll be two tabs: RANDOM LOBBY (as now QR) and CUSTOM LOBBY. Players can view all available lobbies here (Custom Lobbies doesn't need changes for now).
System WILL auto-match when there's random lobby with similar rank (Toggleable. If turned off, player stays at lobby list).
If there's no available match for that rank, player can choose to join BUT needs permission from lobby host (probably the first guy who enters/creates the lobby).
In case there's actually no lobby, player can pick any empty lobby to join (which probably shows which next race will be).
System may supports up to 4 empty lobbies (excluding all lobby which have first player entered in the first place).
Here's most of it, any more suggestions I might add here. Feel free to give opinions.