English skill (1-10):8 maybe 9
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: Now i Have about879000rp and about 450 hrs
How much free time do you have to moderate server? 6-8 hours during the week and about 8 hours at the weeekend
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?:Give him mute for 15 mins. When he get unmuted and start spamming he will get kicked . After he rejoins server
and again start spamming he will be banned for 30 mins
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?:1st I'll warn him 2nd he gets mute for 1h
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe):Unfortunately i don't have any experience but i will learn fast
Which language channels can you moderate?: I can moderate Polish chat sometimes english and Deutsch chat
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): I wanna join moderators team because i wanna to keep the chat clean and calm. Sometimes on polish chat there is a
"shitty rain" when there is no moderators online and no one is "cleaning" the chat.Many of new players are hated for spamming when they need help and at it i wanna help
them by calming down players that are aggressive. My english maybe is not perfect , but i'm still learning . On the bright side i can moderate sometimes deutsch language chat
Because in these 2 years i'll be learning deutsch. And the main reason is that i wanna join the best team at whole nfssa. :)