Hi NFS:SA team, hi players. I was thinking about crew wars whole night (i did not sleep) so lets begin
1) Respect points (RP) (or crew points)
Every crew what is created get 0 Respect points on start. Crew can get respect points by winning crew races - win +100 RP lose -100RP
More RP - better place in leaderboard, when some crew lose so much respect (-500 RP), that crew gets delete (little bit hardcore, because i love competition)
2) Crew Race
Leader of the crew can challenge another crew to crew race, opposite crew can accept or decline. Crew can race with other crew with no limit (infinite times a day.)
It can be 4V4, because much racers mean lags in race (advantage), and its most tactical.
Leader of the crew set 4 racers from his crew and their team roles
To make it more competitive there will be turn ON vehicle colisions
All 8 racers needs to be at safehouse and drive a car of similliar performance (sorry for my english ) or race cant be started.
2.1) Team Roles (NFS carbon inspiration)
Racer - a guy who needs to drive to finish first, and his crew win. They are only visible on minimap
Blocker - a guy who can drive trought that purple walls and cut the track to block racer, support, another blocker. He need to block hard, roll over enemies, slow them down.
They are invisible on map (surprising rekt incoming)
Support - a guy who cant cut track like a racer, he needs to ride really close to racer who he want to support. He have support bar like in NFS carbon. It got empty in cca 15 seconds.
(So it recharge after it like a nitro.) When his support is active, the racer will get infinite nitro on this time and he gets invisible on map (bad for enemy blocker)
3) Strategy
In crew race lobby crew leader set his 4 racers (he can tag him too) and set them their team roles.
Enemy team can see their lineup by nicknames and cars but not their roles, so its about surprising tactic (there need to be 1 racer who complete the race, only his race time is legit.)
It can by a race 4v4 only racers or chaos with blocker doing roadblocks for example. There are lot of strategies
Crew race lobby from West side leader perspective https://s4.postimg.io/ce7d0d01p/image.png
4) Territory Wars (same like crew races)
There will be map like this http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gtaw...0528185510 with crew colors and logos(every crew need to set their crew color) To capture a territory crew need some respect to show on territory crew race, to capture some village in nevada they need at least 5000 RP,
But to capture something like Los Santos centre, the crew needs a lot of respect at least 15 000 RP ?
Every territory will make the crew some money, going to crew bank. Maybe 100-2000 dollars/hour, depends on territory quality.
Every crew can attack just one territory for 1 day, opossite crew can accept or decline, if attackers win they will get territory + 1000RP from opposite crew
If defenders win they will get +1000 Rp from opposite crew, and they keep their territory.
And that crew who own territory needs to race there every 7 days, or they will lose that territory (become empty.)
Race on empty territory, winning crew gets +1000RP (losers lose 1000 RP), and winners also get that territory.
So thats all i think, i can update it later. Thanks to reading it all
1) Respect points (RP) (or crew points)
Every crew what is created get 0 Respect points on start. Crew can get respect points by winning crew races - win +100 RP lose -100RP
More RP - better place in leaderboard, when some crew lose so much respect (-500 RP), that crew gets delete (little bit hardcore, because i love competition)
2) Crew Race
Leader of the crew can challenge another crew to crew race, opposite crew can accept or decline. Crew can race with other crew with no limit (infinite times a day.)
It can be 4V4, because much racers mean lags in race (advantage), and its most tactical.
Leader of the crew set 4 racers from his crew and their team roles
To make it more competitive there will be turn ON vehicle colisions
All 8 racers needs to be at safehouse and drive a car of similliar performance (sorry for my english ) or race cant be started.
2.1) Team Roles (NFS carbon inspiration)
Racer - a guy who needs to drive to finish first, and his crew win. They are only visible on minimap
Blocker - a guy who can drive trought that purple walls and cut the track to block racer, support, another blocker. He need to block hard, roll over enemies, slow them down.
They are invisible on map (surprising rekt incoming)
Support - a guy who cant cut track like a racer, he needs to ride really close to racer who he want to support. He have support bar like in NFS carbon. It got empty in cca 15 seconds.
(So it recharge after it like a nitro.) When his support is active, the racer will get infinite nitro on this time and he gets invisible on map (bad for enemy blocker)
3) Strategy
In crew race lobby crew leader set his 4 racers (he can tag him too) and set them their team roles.
Enemy team can see their lineup by nicknames and cars but not their roles, so its about surprising tactic (there need to be 1 racer who complete the race, only his race time is legit.)
It can by a race 4v4 only racers or chaos with blocker doing roadblocks for example. There are lot of strategies
Crew race lobby from West side leader perspective https://s4.postimg.io/ce7d0d01p/image.png
4) Territory Wars (same like crew races)
There will be map like this http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gtaw...0528185510 with crew colors and logos(every crew need to set their crew color) To capture a territory crew need some respect to show on territory crew race, to capture some village in nevada they need at least 5000 RP,
But to capture something like Los Santos centre, the crew needs a lot of respect at least 15 000 RP ?
Every territory will make the crew some money, going to crew bank. Maybe 100-2000 dollars/hour, depends on territory quality.
Every crew can attack just one territory for 1 day, opossite crew can accept or decline, if attackers win they will get territory + 1000RP from opposite crew
If defenders win they will get +1000 Rp from opposite crew, and they keep their territory.
And that crew who own territory needs to race there every 7 days, or they will lose that territory (become empty.)
Race on empty territory, winning crew gets +1000RP (losers lose 1000 RP), and winners also get that territory.
So thats all i think, i can update it later. Thanks to reading it all