Hello. I would like to suggest a brand new feature that I would love to see in the server.
Renaming Cars.
You can buy it for 1000$ (my price suggestion) and you could change the name of your car in the garage. Whwn you hold LMB (Left Mouse Button) it should show the name of the other players cars. The names for cars should have limited letters so we don't find trolls who put names like: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 10-15 letters would be enought.
Names should be shown in same range as the duel button.
Renaming Cars.
You can buy it for 1000$ (my price suggestion) and you could change the name of your car in the garage. Whwn you hold LMB (Left Mouse Button) it should show the name of the other players cars. The names for cars should have limited letters so we don't find trolls who put names like: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 10-15 letters would be enought.
Names should be shown in same range as the duel button.