English skill (1-10):1-3
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA:156,042rp , 10d 12h
How much free time do you have to moderate server? 5-9 hours
What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?:i give you a warning, if you do not mind mute for 15 minutes
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?:i mute it for 15 minutes, if it perist i give it ban it temporaly
Do you have any experience (if yes, describe):i have some experience,i Had To Manage A Minecraft Server A Long Time Ago
Which language channels can you moderate?: Spanish Channel
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words):Because i'm seeing that in the spanish channel do not respect no rules and there are many insults of all kinds, i also belive a person qualified for this "work", we need new moderators, In the dawns there is nobody to moderate, i could reach to do it and help to improve this very good server,i played for a long time and i was emarraseed with the :D