- Nitro fills up | Yes, I think that is very good idea.
- Nitrous Purge | Yes, although it is only visual element he adds U2's climate.
- Shader on Rims | Yes, next visual supplement much closer to U2's tuning.
- Colorable Brakes | Yes, ^.
- Enable NPC Traffic | Neutral, I think that very impact on FPS.
- Mirror Vinyls | Yes.
- Bought Car-Parts remain in garage | Yes, I think that is the most important change.
- Rotate Car in Garage and Tuning-Shop | Hmm, I guess we could rotate car.
- Zoom in Tuning-Shop | Yes, for better vision tuning.
- Fade-out GUI | Neutral, because I do not mind.
- FPS Counter | Yes, useful feature.
- Soft Lanterns in Freerun | Neutral.
- Description of Task | Neutral.
- Destructive torch | Yes, because sometimes it gets very angry.
- Edit Anti-Spam Script | Neutral.
- Ghostmode in Freerun | Nope! Then freeride to lose any sense.
- More Stats at Race-End | Yes, good idea.
- Block Invites | Neutral, I don't use it.
- More light in Drift and Street-X | Neutral, I don't ride Drifts and StreetX.
- Progress and Rewards | Yes, next useful feature.
And classic: sorry for my bad english .
- Nitrous Purge | Yes, although it is only visual element he adds U2's climate.
- Shader on Rims | Yes, next visual supplement much closer to U2's tuning.
- Colorable Brakes | Yes, ^.
- Enable NPC Traffic | Neutral, I think that very impact on FPS.
- Mirror Vinyls | Yes.
- Bought Car-Parts remain in garage | Yes, I think that is the most important change.
- Rotate Car in Garage and Tuning-Shop | Hmm, I guess we could rotate car.
- Zoom in Tuning-Shop | Yes, for better vision tuning.
- Fade-out GUI | Neutral, because I do not mind.
- FPS Counter | Yes, useful feature.
- Soft Lanterns in Freerun | Neutral.
- Description of Task | Neutral.
- Destructive torch | Yes, because sometimes it gets very angry.
- Edit Anti-Spam Script | Neutral.
- Ghostmode in Freerun | Nope! Then freeride to lose any sense.
- More Stats at Race-End | Yes, good idea.
- Block Invites | Neutral, I don't use it.
- More light in Drift and Street-X | Neutral, I don't ride Drifts and StreetX.
- Progress and Rewards | Yes, next useful feature.
And classic: sorry for my bad english .