First of all, I believe that URL need remove the " Exit Button " when you join in a URL, players when see others players, don't want play with they, or just want play against " Slow players " for selecting how they will try win a URL. If the play want play a URL, he don't need leave the room.
URL change system from Score Rank to Class Rank, example in Score max 350: A player with a Cadrona nearby maximized, or a C Class car, can't win when they run against a Class B on 350 score, for this score, comparated a D ou C class, B Class is completely overpower. So the only class you have a great fair play is the Unlimited Score ( against Class A ).
Now about Perfomance Shop, I believe is a good idea, when you buy a piece eihter from Engine, Tires, whatever, you don't need to buy they again, if you upgrade the same part. Example:
If I bought Tire Race, so after I buy the Tire Pro, and think the Tire Race is better, i go to Perfomance Shop and select Tire Race again, I need buy this Tire again, but if I bought it before, i don't need to buy again.
The idea is If i bought a part for the car, i don't need buy she again, if i want back to this part after.
URL change system from Score Rank to Class Rank, example in Score max 350: A player with a Cadrona nearby maximized, or a C Class car, can't win when they run against a Class B on 350 score, for this score, comparated a D ou C class, B Class is completely overpower. So the only class you have a great fair play is the Unlimited Score ( against Class A ).
Now about Perfomance Shop, I believe is a good idea, when you buy a piece eihter from Engine, Tires, whatever, you don't need to buy they again, if you upgrade the same part. Example:
If I bought Tire Race, so after I buy the Tire Pro, and think the Tire Race is better, i go to Perfomance Shop and select Tire Race again, I need buy this Tire again, but if I bought it before, i don't need to buy again.
The idea is If i bought a part for the car, i don't need buy she again, if i want back to this part after.