(12-08-2017, 17:43)DemK Wrote: URL change system from Score Rank to Class Rank, example in Score max 350: A player with a Cadrona nearby maximized, or a C Class car, can't win when they run against a Class B on 350 score, for this score, comparated a D ou C class, B Class is completely overpower. So the only class you have a great fair play is the Unlimited Score ( against Class A ).
Now about Perfomance Shop, I believe is a good idea, when you buy a piece eihter from Engine, Tires, whatever, you don't need to buy they again, if you upgrade the same part. Example:
If I bought Tire Race, so after I buy the Tire Pro, and think the Tire Race is better, i go to Perfomance Shop and select Tire Race again, I need buy this Tire again, but if I bought it before, i don't need to buy again.
The idea is If i bought a part for the car, i don't need buy she again, if i want back to this part after.
I agree with those two.
(12-08-2017, 17:43)DemK Wrote: First of all, I believe that URL need remove the " Exit Button " when you join in a URL, players when see others players, don't want play with they, or just want play against " Slow players " for selecting how they will try win a URL. If the play want play a URL, he don't need leave the room.
People are leaving URL races, because they don't want to race with Manana against for example C class car or B class car. If NFS:SA Team will solve one of these problems, second will be solved by itself.
EDIT: How about adding possiblity to first choose max score and then class? Or just change score restrictions to class restrictions. It would be more fair, because now racing in URL with E/D class is useless because people with C or B class will join and easily win because of their cars perfomence. If really good racers have problem with beating Buffalo with Futo for example, what average player can do?