Well... Even though this would be an inprovement in a way, I don't think this would be a solution, unfortunately.
Before anything else, the lobby has to be improved. There are not many players playing URL (or playing at all, actually). When you got a bunch of different cars that can go into different rooms, you want a fast way to change to the desired car so you can enter the most populated lobby in time. The last time I played URL, I kept loosing the lobbies because people kept changing score rooms, and I kept driving back and forth between the garage and stadium to change cars, but I was taking so much time doing it that the moment I entered the lobby again, people already had left to the race. And that kept happening again and again, a very frustrating situation.
So, to me, that is the most urgent problem to fix. Make the cars selectable within the lobby or make it possible to enter with a selection of cars in different scores at the same time instead of just one car. That would make things so much simpler already and would totally heal the ache I feel on my ass.
Then, after that is done, we'd discuss the actual racing itself, which I am also giving my 2 cents about.
When I think of the subject, I imediately think of the "meta cars" situation. We know for a fact that certain cars, specially in B class, dominate these kind of races, however, that also happens with opponents of the same class.
Imagine we'd change the system so that the cars are separated by class. Very well, the Sultans would only be racing each other together and there wouldn't be any Blistas or Mananas in sight, but what about the other class B cars?
Would my Jester be a match to a Sultan? Would the Buggy be a match to a BJ?
I admit, a class based lobby would be better for URL, because the cars would all be maxed and with a maxed car mistakes have a bigger impact on a race, because there's less "fast cars" and "slow cars", they are closer in performance with each other, fact, however, that is "closer" not "close", then the problem would be that the cars would have a big performance gap within the class, like it already happens in normal races. The "Buff this, nerf that" discussions would still go on.
The other thing about it is that the "250 score", "300 score", "350 score", etc. builds would become obsolete, and the players that put so much effort on tuning those cars would not be happy with it.
Woof, I had to take a bathroom break in the middle of this. Sitting for too long is bad for your health, so, once in a while it's good to do some sporadic walks to the bathroom and stand up for a while peeing, get your members well stretched, so you can carry on exercising your sitting and typing.
Anyway, I don't quite have a solution for this where I could point my finger at it and say "Yes, this is what we need!", but, my idea is... Why not have both?
Lobbies by class have the advantages that we already know, but, if we keep the score system we won't be ruining a bunch of people's dynos.
The problem with the score system is that cars can be anywhere whatever class they are, there's class B cars anywhere from 250 to all the way up, so, why not put a limit on that? Block class B cars from entering lobbies where the score is under 350, for example. That way a Manana won't be facing a Sultan so easily and you still can make your 3/2/2 builds (while in class system you'd have to be maxed to be competive).
It's literally having both options, for the best and for the worst, instead of changing a whole system.
I don't see a "perfect" way of approaching this, and, for now, this is the best I can come up with.
Before anything else, the lobby has to be improved. There are not many players playing URL (or playing at all, actually). When you got a bunch of different cars that can go into different rooms, you want a fast way to change to the desired car so you can enter the most populated lobby in time. The last time I played URL, I kept loosing the lobbies because people kept changing score rooms, and I kept driving back and forth between the garage and stadium to change cars, but I was taking so much time doing it that the moment I entered the lobby again, people already had left to the race. And that kept happening again and again, a very frustrating situation.
So, to me, that is the most urgent problem to fix. Make the cars selectable within the lobby or make it possible to enter with a selection of cars in different scores at the same time instead of just one car. That would make things so much simpler already and would totally heal the ache I feel on my ass.
Then, after that is done, we'd discuss the actual racing itself, which I am also giving my 2 cents about.
When I think of the subject, I imediately think of the "meta cars" situation. We know for a fact that certain cars, specially in B class, dominate these kind of races, however, that also happens with opponents of the same class.
Imagine we'd change the system so that the cars are separated by class. Very well, the Sultans would only be racing each other together and there wouldn't be any Blistas or Mananas in sight, but what about the other class B cars?
Would my Jester be a match to a Sultan? Would the Buggy be a match to a BJ?
I admit, a class based lobby would be better for URL, because the cars would all be maxed and with a maxed car mistakes have a bigger impact on a race, because there's less "fast cars" and "slow cars", they are closer in performance with each other, fact, however, that is "closer" not "close", then the problem would be that the cars would have a big performance gap within the class, like it already happens in normal races. The "Buff this, nerf that" discussions would still go on.
The other thing about it is that the "250 score", "300 score", "350 score", etc. builds would become obsolete, and the players that put so much effort on tuning those cars would not be happy with it.
Woof, I had to take a bathroom break in the middle of this. Sitting for too long is bad for your health, so, once in a while it's good to do some sporadic walks to the bathroom and stand up for a while peeing, get your members well stretched, so you can carry on exercising your sitting and typing.
Anyway, I don't quite have a solution for this where I could point my finger at it and say "Yes, this is what we need!", but, my idea is... Why not have both?
Lobbies by class have the advantages that we already know, but, if we keep the score system we won't be ruining a bunch of people's dynos.
The problem with the score system is that cars can be anywhere whatever class they are, there's class B cars anywhere from 250 to all the way up, so, why not put a limit on that? Block class B cars from entering lobbies where the score is under 350, for example. That way a Manana won't be facing a Sultan so easily and you still can make your 3/2/2 builds (while in class system you'd have to be maxed to be competive).
It's literally having both options, for the best and for the worst, instead of changing a whole system.
I don't see a "perfect" way of approaching this, and, for now, this is the best I can come up with.
I invite you to eat a sock.