(03-09-2018, 20:19)YoWorstNightmare Wrote: And now his perm ban got reversed to a 30 day ban.
As I previously mentioned in the other thread he created (same subject): He was getting mutes everytime he was on the server. Because he couldn't stop ramming and talking shit. At some point mutes finally turned into temp bans cause no one could stop this guy from being an ass. 2 or 3 days later he came back using another PC and got rekt again. People were almost celebrating when he finally got perm banned, I remember that in global. Why would you change his punishment? You're the guy who muted Bunny for 2 hours for a single shrug (still not on the rules page btw) and you suddenly went soft on the guy who first was acting like a total dick, then second tried to dodge his ban and got banned on the other device. Makes no sense at all.