It will be the exact same situation as of right now, except you just change the reward to become bigger for those who'll take the 1st place and making the life easier for those who either can't race or don't want to try. They will be getting a lot of RP to unlock new classes for just finishing last. Where is the competition, again? If you won't increase the cost for the class/car unlock it just makes the game more simple without giving you any challenge in return.
Those who already have all of the classes unlocked and can't be bothered to race for top times will still belong to Doherty respawn area or be just participating in events that tend to happen one or two times per 3-4 months.
I said it before and I will say it right now. This makes the game more simple, takes away the big prize as even the last place will give you some decent amount of money and RP and you will unlock cars and classes relatively fast, and it won't make older players to move they ass in order to make you a company there, as they have everything already unlocked anyways.
Those who already have all of the classes unlocked and can't be bothered to race for top times will still belong to Doherty respawn area or be just participating in events that tend to happen one or two times per 3-4 months.
I said it before and I will say it right now. This makes the game more simple, takes away the big prize as even the last place will give you some decent amount of money and RP and you will unlock cars and classes relatively fast, and it won't make older players to move they ass in order to make you a company there, as they have everything already unlocked anyways.