(25-02-2019, 13:50).scaftz Wrote:First of i don't agree about the cars having vastly different preformance. When it comes to top time setting, About half the cars of each class normally come close to it's class time. While the next class is normally a couple seconds ahead. The main ones that are slower are cars with suspension problems and cars with strange quirks such as the Elegy. And the Elegy is op at some things.(25-02-2019, 13:27)Nick33BC Wrote: why would you have to remove the classes?Because cars within the same class don't even match in term of performance making it useless to classify them into classes. And no, it will make some changes balance wise because cars don't have to be having same performance with the other. Without them being tied into classes, cars can have different stock and maxed scores. Worse cars will have lower scores, which mean they will race against lower ones as well. Agreed with how it will make unlocking cars weird
Changing all the scores to be individual cars would be a massive gamble. If we just changed the scores of every car as if it's, it's own class there would be new excessively broken metas popping up for url and races. Doing it properly would take massive amounts of time and testing by people who play everyday and there would still be problems in the end.
They have set the scores up to be what they thought would be balanced for classes. And it is unbalanced. Making them not tied to a class doesn't mean that some cars won't still be op at urls and races. We have dealt with the unbalance for years and we still don't know what the exact score changes would be to make it fixed. Small changes that slowly fix the important things is what needs to happen. If they just changed everything for every car in one go, we would just be 3 feet deeper in the quicksand.
A lot of cars are balanced for there class btw. It's just that some cars have something they're better at. Which can not be scored correctly. The Manana is great on flat ground but not really that good on streets. So if you raise the score it will become trash, and if you lower the score it will become excessively op at lsap and s-x. The Primo is best at 250 urls but it's slower at most circuit races than the Intruder, So if you raise the score it will no longer be best at urls making it kinda useless and if you lower the score it will be way too op at 250. Intruder is best for top times on most circuit and sprint tracks, But it's not as good for 250 or flat tracks. And you should get the picture. Each car is best at it's own thing. If you change scores to suit the car for one thing you will make it broken for another thing. So figuring out the mess that would be changing that much of scores would be a nightmare.
Another example:
The Elegy is op at drag races and speed traps and a couple of circuit maps. But it sucks at most else. So if you lower the score of the car it will be completely broken against anything around it's score for the things it's already op at for it's class.
The only way to make every car score make sense for every type of race it's in, Is to make it so all cars drive the same way. But that would be boring. Each car being good at a different thing is part of the charm of the cars. But because every car is different they will be better at somethings than others, There is no way to make the scores completely make sense.
But changing stuff like making the Jester have better default suspension so it can rival the SGT and Sultan. Leaving the Elegy to be op at straight line races because that's what you should want it for in races,
And then slightly changing the cars in class by 1-6 score will change how they preform in urls. Because adding 5 score to the SGT will mean it can't fit a extra upgrade to go into url, Which will make it alot slower compared to how it is. Raise the whole of B class from 440 to 450 and suddenly D and C class have a chance at 300 and 350. Raise A class to 520 and now B class is good at 400. Small things can make big changes. You do this type of stuff slowly for every class and suddenly everything is a lot more balanced without breaking everything.