It's about time the url system get a proper change, url is having less and less people playing it day after day, so I have a suggestion that might revive url once again.
Change the amount of playable scores for each url event, 6 different types of score is too much, one will always have more players while the other none, 450 url is the biggest example, it could be reduced to 2 scores only for each url event, and it could shuffle between the scores in each event having 1 low score and 1 high score, for example, on monday the 10am url have 250 and 350 avaiable, and the 16pm have 300 and 450, on thursday, 10am have 350 and unlimited and so on, also the url system could randomize a custom url and create automatically a url for each day on a fixed time without the need of a moderator to create it, for example, everyday at the server hour where there are the most players online, the url system picks a url for a car only or a class only, this way moderators would only have the power to create xxl endurance urls or urls with 8+ players and multipliers above 1.5x, simplifying their work, and also making joining urls more entertaining.
Change the amount of playable scores for each url event, 6 different types of score is too much, one will always have more players while the other none, 450 url is the biggest example, it could be reduced to 2 scores only for each url event, and it could shuffle between the scores in each event having 1 low score and 1 high score, for example, on monday the 10am url have 250 and 350 avaiable, and the 16pm have 300 and 450, on thursday, 10am have 350 and unlimited and so on, also the url system could randomize a custom url and create automatically a url for each day on a fixed time without the need of a moderator to create it, for example, everyday at the server hour where there are the most players online, the url system picks a url for a car only or a class only, this way moderators would only have the power to create xxl endurance urls or urls with 8+ players and multipliers above 1.5x, simplifying their work, and also making joining urls more entertaining.