The subforum for the applications is closed, yet here's another one.
More to that, should I say that you actually were/are one of those people who you said don't respect the server rules? When I mentioned that I remember you, I meant your old name and the random insults via PM and occasional ramming for no reason. You did it back in 2018 and 2019 before I got the rank. I have no idea what you've been trying to achieve, but if there'd be a vote, it would be a "no" from me.
Quote:English skill (1-10): 6.5Global is basically English. Language channel (English) is not used by anyone in 99% of the time. So that "6.5" of yours, along with "maybe", applies to both. Another mod just for the Spanish channel? There's plenty of people to choose from, who had already proven themselves to be trustable and reliable.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Spanish, English (maybe) and global
Quote:Age: 2020 years old? I remember you but I'll leave this one for later. What I'm rather curious about is that you say you can spend 5 hours of your lifetime just on moderation by nights. Do you have a job? Cause if you do, this doesn't seem to be true. Also, I know that RP doesn't really matter for this, but I've been playing here since February 2018 and I got 1.7kk in about one year and a half. Later I've been taking breaks from NFS:SA and since then didn't do much to build more. Somehow I'm still ahead of you.
Your stats and experience with NFS:SA: I have 1.27kk rp, playing sice 2016
How much free time do you have to moderate server?: 5 Hours
Quote:I play at nights (GTM -5) and I don't see moderators on serverYou're from Colombia? Cause there's exactly 8 hours difference between our countries and it's around time I join the server as it's morning for me. The average online for that time is about 40 players and I haven't seen you online once, at least during this week.
Nickname: MyrkyR [Old nick SyoOOxD]
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): there are people who don't respect the rules of the server
More to that, should I say that you actually were/are one of those people who you said don't respect the server rules? When I mentioned that I remember you, I meant your old name and the random insults via PM and occasional ramming for no reason. You did it back in 2018 and 2019 before I got the rank. I have no idea what you've been trying to achieve, but if there'd be a vote, it would be a "no" from me.