This first acapit is so pathetic...
Yeah, keep trying to excuse yourself. Do you want me to bring out dirty laundry? You really sure about that?
And now, you try to paint your crew as some sort of new X-Cross or Atom Cats? Yeah, its funny, considering you called our crews cancerous at many times.
Okay, Im out, just wanted though I should react to this acapit. Good luck on organising meet, though, I dont think you got what it takes to manage it...
Yeah, keep trying to excuse yourself. Do you want me to bring out dirty laundry? You really sure about that?
And now, you try to paint your crew as some sort of new X-Cross or Atom Cats? Yeah, its funny, considering you called our crews cancerous at many times.
Okay, Im out, just wanted though I should react to this acapit. Good luck on organising meet, though, I dont think you got what it takes to manage it...
Linia nie ściana, nawet ta podwójna...