(27-10-2016, 23:23)Sam. Wrote: Hello folks,
i just have a few suggestions for the gameserver i wanted to share with you peepz.
I's nothing very special or revolutionary, but i thought it could be some helpfull stuff to improve the game experience just a tiny bit.
I just will list them up and maybe add some more later.
1.) Costum/Removeable Numberplates
I wonder why there is no costum numberplates already, atleast some carparts have a stock numberplate attached with just random letters and numbers.
So i thought it would be pretty mint to make them actually customizable inside the bodyshop for some $$$. (Maybe even as a premium feature)
Also it would help alot to give the option make stock numberplates completly removeable.
2.) Racelog
Sometimes i wish there would be a log with like the last 10-20 races listed.
So every player could check their past 20 races with all information about: Place, Racename, Racetype, RP, Money, Time/Score.
3.) Cooldown for Lobbykick
Everyone knows this problem, you make a lobby, someone joins that you don't wan't to have inside so you kick him, but the keeps rejoining and won't stop.
My thought was to make a cooldown for these people, wich basicly means, if a player gets kicked 2-3 times in the row from the same lobby, he just could get a cooldown and can't rejoin this lobby for a while.
4.) "No Ramming" Zone's
Yea, not sure if i need much of explain for this one. Sometimes you just wan't to chill around at SF spawn for example, talk with other players, just hang up together, but there's always someone kicking you around. Maybe sometimes without purpose because of lags or something, but however it can be really annyoing sometimes.
So why don't create a few ghostmode zones for common places like SF spawn, LS Spawn, Missionary Hill etc.
For example: http://abload.de/image.php?img=examplekkkwc.png
5.) Vinyl Mirror Function
It would be a little improvement for the vinyl system to have a mirror option for hood and side vinyl's.
So you can actually have the same vinyl on the hood 2 times for once and toggle the already existing mirroring for side vinly's.
6.) Car Brands
We already have manufacture vinyl's wich is really awesome, but how dope would it be to have actually car brand's for the paintshop?
Obviously they should get unlocked first as many different vinly packs, just like the manufacture's right now.
Let's be honest, a Nissan brand right on you'r elegy's hood would be pretty cool huh?
Maybe anyone here has suggestions for a brand aswell, just post it and i will add them later on a list.
Ok boys, that's it for now.
I hope you like atleast one of these suggestions and maybe leave a comment with your opinion.
1)Nah, we already have too many objects on the server and they cause lag. There are about 10.000 of active players, just imagine the lag the objects would cause.
3)Yas ples
4)IDK, but it's more to the NAW-SIDE.
6)Yas please