(10-08-2016, 23:14)Endriex Wrote: [...]
2.8 Private Crew Zone
Only crew members entering. Spawnpoint at Crew zone for members. This can be for faaaaaaaarer future (I include here building etc. You know.... unrealistic for this moment). But IMO if it will appears, It must be very expensive, due to taking place on map in freerun mode (and more lag's of course).
(11-08-2016, 13:54)Spotlight Wrote: 2.8
This is already in plans.
(12-08-2016, 01:49)Allerek Wrote: 2.8 It's Pretty good. But cheapiest and lider can set mhm... 50 objects on Crew Zone and upgrade zone(biger zone and more objects [max lvl 3 of zone, 5 objects to all lvl's])
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