Ok. Time for next fresh list of my ideas.
• "Find The Place" event.
- Next event which can improve freerun mode. A few times per day players can receive an image with place. The most part of image is hidden, but one little part is unhidden. Players must recognize and guess where is that place. If they find this place, they receive some cash and RP.
• Window vinyls stickers
I forgot to add this thing to 4.2 subpoint, so I'm writing now. We can see these vinyls on huntley for example, so you can add this option for other vehicles.
Here few examples from real life
• Optimization issue:
Just few cosmetic things improving graphic for game. If it is possibly of course. Some things can be avaiable in settings due to players who have weak computers
• More realistic lights
- Adding crystal lights or smth similar (It can be done by increasing texture resolution for example)
- tail lights on road reflection
• vehicle shaders
• Improving progress section in game (F10 key). Selecting cars by class.
- Current section is not handy because cars are scattered.
• "Search players" panel
- It's terrible to find somebody on TAB key, so I suggest to add a gui which allow players to find another player by part of nickname or ID
And I invented some ideas, for last problems in this topic:
* How to make forgotten classes (like Vintage/Offroad) playable again
• Adding secondary tasks with class requirements.
- I'ts only thing which comes to my mind. For example you can add class requirements to tasks from point 3.6
* How to add more unique vehicles to server, but without finding parts option
• Unique cars can be dropped from treasure hunt or showdown event (Very rarely)
- If you add treasure hunt event you can add cars to treasure hunt. Because rewards from this event must be different (really... vinyls opening is slowly boring for me. Adding different rewards for other events is good idea for near future)
• Unique cars available on premium account
- Players with purchased premium account can receive a box with random unique car.
• "Find The Place" event.
- Next event which can improve freerun mode. A few times per day players can receive an image with place. The most part of image is hidden, but one little part is unhidden. Players must recognize and guess where is that place. If they find this place, they receive some cash and RP.
• Window vinyls stickers
I forgot to add this thing to 4.2 subpoint, so I'm writing now. We can see these vinyls on huntley for example, so you can add this option for other vehicles.
Here few examples from real life
Just few cosmetic things improving graphic for game. If it is possibly of course. Some things can be avaiable in settings due to players who have weak computers
• More realistic lights
- Adding crystal lights or smth similar (It can be done by increasing texture resolution for example)
- tail lights on road reflection
- Current section is not handy because cars are scattered.
• "Search players" panel
- It's terrible to find somebody on TAB key, so I suggest to add a gui which allow players to find another player by part of nickname or ID
And I invented some ideas, for last problems in this topic:
* How to make forgotten classes (like Vintage/Offroad) playable again
• Adding secondary tasks with class requirements.
- I'ts only thing which comes to my mind. For example you can add class requirements to tasks from point 3.6
* How to add more unique vehicles to server, but without finding parts option
• Unique cars can be dropped from treasure hunt or showdown event (Very rarely)
- If you add treasure hunt event you can add cars to treasure hunt. Because rewards from this event must be different (really... vinyls opening is slowly boring for me. Adding different rewards for other events is good idea for near future)
• Unique cars available on premium account
- Players with purchased premium account can receive a box with random unique car.
Das Auto