Yesterday i said im going to walk my dog and said bye.Today my friends asked me that i walked my doge,an i said yes. Bk asked if its a chihuahua and i said no,gay people has chihuahuas as a joke. Then he bans me for 90days for MASSIVE INSULTING. He also provokated 2 other of my friends, 1 got banned for no real reason too. My other friend was talking to an other guy and bk was provokating him then he could ban him too. Earlier he said he gonna ban them too. Then i checked back if i was still banned,i joined and i wasnt banned. Then my friends told me he got demoted and we were unbanned. Thank you Bartek,but i still think he doesnt deserve a moderator to be honest,he did worse stuff than any of us over all. Thank you for being helpful.