Hi guys! On 13.03.2015 Team called "X-Cross" organised a big event on our nfs:sa. We have to thank them for this.
Firstly, we met at G1 (parking next to Las Venturas Pyramid). There were 10-20 players. Later, we met at Mount Chillad, where were about..40 players! Everyone were surprised, that someone organised something big like this. Admins also became to event. From MC we went to abandoned airport (near Area 51). We did drags, every car had least one race. There were also lags, but it didn't disturb us. Then we drove across San Andreas, to the G1. There was end of the event, but they promised, that they will organise similar events.
Polish version of event/Polska wersja eventu: http://www.nfssa.net/thread-406.html
Event go on about 1-2 hours.
Everyone were happy and they will wait for next event. 

(sorry for my english, but u know.. xd)