Maybe your keyboard is broken. If you have a numpad, the keys 2, 4, 6 and 8 are moving the camera (if no hydraulics are installed, which NFSSA doesn't have as tuning option).
So probably numpad 4 or 6 is hanging / pressed all the time on your keyboard, that's why it move the cam instantly in one direction until you use the mouse, which lets you rotate the camera in all direction and disables the numpad cam moving temporarily.
To solve that, you can go to MTA - Settings - Binds, then scroll down to "Special control left" and "Special control right" and double click on the key they are using, then press ESC and it should be unbound. Don't forget to click "OK" at the bottom of the window, to apply the changes.
I also had such a problem on a console, the stick which was used for camera turning didn't go back to it's zero / center position completely, and stood like 2-3 degrees in a direction. So if you use a controller, that will be the problem.
@Bamers same problem but with the keys "numpad 8" and "up arrow" (between numpad and right shift)