PL : Witam, wpadłem wraz z ludźmi z ekipy żebyscie mogli dodać hmm.. cos w rodzaju "wspólne malowanie w ekipie" chodzi o to że lider zrobi malowanie na danym aucie i ktos z ekipy będzie mógł wykorzystać to na swoim aucie :v Pozdrawiam FEjK
ENG ( google translator ) : Hello , I got together with the people from the team so that you can add hmm .. something like "common painting in the team ," the idea is that the leader will paint on the car and someone from the team will be able to use it on your car : v Regards FEJK
ENG ( google translator ) : Hello , I got together with the people from the team so that you can add hmm .. something like "common painting in the team ," the idea is that the leader will paint on the car and someone from the team will be able to use it on your car : v Regards FEJK