This thread LMAO. I didn't want to get involved with this topic, but I am just going to give my 2 cents to this discussion.
First off, I am glad that players that are not in the same team or barely know each other agree to do such a risky thing where any second it can all go to shit and the farm will fail. I am amazed that they choose to trust people and to work together with them to reach a common goal.
Secondly, I don't see that as such a bad thing to do, if and IF it is not an everyday habit without any reason other than getting locust or maxing a car. It is not an abuse, it is just a combination of calculations, cleverness and teamwork in my vision.
Thirdly, these farms sometimes are a great solution during night when the amount of players is too low to get enough people to join a specific score category, which allows players active during that time of the 24-hour day to make a use out of the URL.
Aaaand finally, there is no reason to panic, the competitiveness did not lower in any way. Those who want to race, they do it. I have seen it recently in 250, 300 and 400 URLs. At times when I joined the URLs there were players that agreed on farming, however none of them disturbed me in any way. The thing that the ones that farm have to remember is that it doesn't have to be a force of habit and to not insult or bully other players that don't want to farm, or in any way disturb them. You have to remember that this is a loophole. And a loophole doesn't mean 100% legal. Do not disturb the others and be nice. If you got lucky and gathered people for an URL farm and y'all joined and it went down well, okay. But there is no need to insult or in any way conform others to your farm lobby necessities.
P.S. That being said I think I covered all my thoughts regarding this subject. It's neither a good or a bad thing, it just is. Live with it and try being more friendly and understanding ^^