My sugestion is Checkpoint race
A) How it can be done
- It can be done 1 at 1 hour
- On ~8km track you've got 2 minuts to go trough ~20 checkpoints
B) Rewards :
- for 1 checpoint you've got 15 rp and 10$
- for 3 days with min 3 checkpoints race done you will have 1 bp and 1 vp
A) How it can be done
- It can be done 1 at 1 hour
- On ~8km track you've got 2 minuts to go trough ~20 checkpoints
B) Rewards :
- for 1 checpoint you've got 15 rp and 10$
- for 3 days with min 3 checkpoints race done you will have 1 bp and 1 vp