Nickname: Janusz
Age: 17
English skill (1-10): 4
NFS: 552krp, about 26 days lost
How much free time do you have to moderate server? Different, from 2 to 6 hours.
What do you do when you start spamming messages on chat?: Usually look at spam or enter showchat. As a moderator I will begin to pay more attention to this.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?:: Depends on what kind of insults it is, if it's just a friendly play, it usually keeps the situation from slipping out of control. On the other hand, if they are such a sharp "shitstorm's" then I'm trying to inform the admin / moderator of this on the server.
Do you have any experience (if yes, please describe): Several times I was moderator, not necessarily in MTA but on CS 1.6 and SAMP servers. As for the commands, I only know a few. I hope to learn something new from more experienced admins / moderators.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Global and Polish.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): I have been planning for a long time, but somehow I never had the desire or I thought that it does not help or something like that. But for a long time like this is sitting on the server and see how many moderators are on the server every day (at different times) and after what is going on the chat I want to take and delete the MTA. The amount of shitstorms that you see on some days is astounding. As a moderator I have plans to slightly reduce the proverbial flying after the parents, spam and throwing "shit". I count with the option of rejecting the application, I understand it, I do not insist on anything. It's about to end here. And to those who comment on the application, please do not favoring or something. I do not like this :-).
Age: 17
English skill (1-10): 4
NFS: 552krp, about 26 days lost
How much free time do you have to moderate server? Different, from 2 to 6 hours.
What do you do when you start spamming messages on chat?: Usually look at spam or enter showchat. As a moderator I will begin to pay more attention to this.
What do you when someone starts insulting other players?:: Depends on what kind of insults it is, if it's just a friendly play, it usually keeps the situation from slipping out of control. On the other hand, if they are such a sharp "shitstorm's" then I'm trying to inform the admin / moderator of this on the server.
Do you have any experience (if yes, please describe): Several times I was moderator, not necessarily in MTA but on CS 1.6 and SAMP servers. As for the commands, I only know a few. I hope to learn something new from more experienced admins / moderators.
Which language channels can you moderate?: Global and Polish.
Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words): I have been planning for a long time, but somehow I never had the desire or I thought that it does not help or something like that. But for a long time like this is sitting on the server and see how many moderators are on the server every day (at different times) and after what is going on the chat I want to take and delete the MTA. The amount of shitstorms that you see on some days is astounding. As a moderator I have plans to slightly reduce the proverbial flying after the parents, spam and throwing "shit". I count with the option of rejecting the application, I understand it, I do not insist on anything. It's about to end here. And to those who comment on the application, please do not favoring or something. I do not like this :-).