- Registration Date: 10-07-2017
- Last Visit: 06-01-2025, 23:52
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Klampy's Forum Info
- Group: Super Moderators
- Total Posts: 18
- Time online: 2 Weeks, 17 Hours, 20 Minutes, 56 Seconds
- Title: Andrew
- Date of Birth:: 23-03-1997 (27 years old)
- Members Referred: 0
- Reputation: 8 [Details]
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Klampy's Contact Details
- Email: Send Klampy an email.
- Private Message: Send Klampy a private message.
Additional Info About Klampy
- Sex: Male
- Location: Latvia, Riga
Klampy's Signature
Lista przyjaciółW temacie: Veltkhan Mod Application
Odpowiedzi: 1616-11-2020, 14:26
very good guy, but sry Veltkhan, no from me
why do we need a moderator who has lost interest in the server?
i've seen you twice in the last two weeks
and the video shows that you don't play much, judging by rp
if i'm wrong - sorry
why do we need a moderator who has lost interest in the server?
i've seen you twice in the last two weeks
and the video shows that you don't play much, judging by rp
if i'm wrong - sorry
Temat: Bodykit list
Odpowiedzi: 1101-01-2019, 23:57
Often they ask me to send screenshot of bodykit and that is why i’ve created this.
I think it will be useful.
Each bodykit costs $2.200. You can unlock a whole bodykit with a 3 Bodypoints at green shop.
Carbon fiber bodykits each coats $3.300.
[click on the name of the body kits to see the picture]
E CLASS:Last update: 05.01.2019