- Registration Date: 05-09-2016
- Last Visit: 07-09-2022, 12:59
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[ROTS]Mad_Mike's Forum Info
- Group: Registered
- Total Posts: 158
- Time online: 2 Days, 2 Hours, 43 Minutes, 46 Seconds
- Title: Faggot
- Date of Birth:: 04-01-2002 (23 years old)
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[ROTS]Mad_Mike's Contact Details
- Email: Send [ROTS]Mad_Mike an email.
- Private Message: Send [ROTS]Mad_Mike a private message.
- Skype ID: dan.flavius78
Additional Info About [ROTS]Mad_Mike
- Sex: Male
- Location: The hidden mountains of Al Zadar
I like fucking around with peeps, baiting, joking, no matter the subject.
Hate "snowflakes"
- Skype: dan.flavius78
[ROTS]Mad_Mike's Signature
Lista przyjaciółW temacie: REACT OPENING SESSIONS EVENT
Odpowiedzi: 4223-10-2019, 15:19
![[Image: ROS.png?width=797&height=240]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/636967535786459187/636972612181819402/ROS.png?width=797&height=240)
To establish ourselves as a crew, we have decided to host a meet for you. And since we encourage good taste and style, we have decided to reward the best cars at the meet with 7 up to 30 days of premium for the top 3 best cars, provided by the NFS SA Staff.
The event consists of a meet, where the React Team will choose a handful of cars based on their look to go to the next stage, where people will vote for the best looking car out of the cars chosen by the React Team. The car with the most votes will win 30 days of Premium, and an invitation to Rэact as well. Cars with 2nd and 3rd places will respectively receive 14 days and 7 days of Premium, and will also receive invitations to Rэact.
To participate, you will need to register yourself, providing your NFS SA Nickname, together with the name of the car you will participate with. You are not allowed to change your car during the event.
The event will start at 20:00 - 20:30 GMT, Saturday, November 2nd, so people that do not have a car prepared have enough time to prepare one for the meet, and will take place at the Los Santos International Airport.
We ask for people to be civilized during the meet, and to behave nice, and listen to the hosts, those being Rэact , and the NFS SA Staff.
On a final note, thank you for reading this, and you are welcome to come to the event! We would like to thank the NFS SA Staff sponsoring this event, and for helping with other stuff, if it will be needed.
If you have any other questions regarding the event, feel free to ask me here, or on Discord, at Dan.#5660 . Good luck

W temacie: [Suggestion]TollBooth Time Trial Race
Odpowiedzi: 520-10-2019, 14:09
So basically, we don't really have enough GOOD highway pieces to put tollbooths around, this is basically just a time trial with bonus time, interesting, maybe, but it is just about how fast your car can go, not about how fast you can be...
W temacie: Something about Yamato/Rei!
Odpowiedzi: 3612-10-2018, 14:51
Hah. Waiting for a Turkish person to tell me their story and I can tell mine. Get to understand each other, since everyone got a story and I'm willing to share mine. I'm willing to have a civilized discussion with one of them and get to understand each other's sides. Maybe we come to a common agreement. To get over our prides and maybe even become friends. I'm willing to be rational and I hope one of them is too.
Odpowiedzi: 4223-10-2019, 15:19
![[Image: ROS.png?width=797&height=240]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/636967535786459187/636972612181819402/ROS.png?width=797&height=240)
To establish ourselves as a crew, we have decided to host a meet for you. And since we encourage good taste and style, we have decided to reward the best cars at the meet with 7 up to 30 days of premium for the top 3 best cars, provided by the NFS SA Staff.
The event consists of a meet, where the React Team will choose a handful of cars based on their look to go to the next stage, where people will vote for the best looking car out of the cars chosen by the React Team. The car with the most votes will win 30 days of Premium, and an invitation to Rэact as well. Cars with 2nd and 3rd places will respectively receive 14 days and 7 days of Premium, and will also receive invitations to Rэact.
To participate, you will need to register yourself, providing your NFS SA Nickname, together with the name of the car you will participate with. You are not allowed to change your car during the event.
The event will start at 20:00 - 20:30 GMT, Saturday, November 2nd, so people that do not have a car prepared have enough time to prepare one for the meet, and will take place at the Los Santos International Airport.
We ask for people to be civilized during the meet, and to behave nice, and listen to the hosts, those being Rэact , and the NFS SA Staff.
On a final note, thank you for reading this, and you are welcome to come to the event! We would like to thank the NFS SA Staff sponsoring this event, and for helping with other stuff, if it will be needed.
If you have any other questions regarding the event, feel free to ask me here, or on Discord, at Dan.#5660 . Good luck

Temat: I apologize
Odpowiedzi: 3211-08-2018, 08:15
I think it's time I do this:
I have to apologize for the stuff I've done while on the server, I took the time while banned to process and think about everything, and this time helped me realised the fact that I actually did hurt some people, no matter if I really wanted to or not. I have indeed realised I have a problem and I am trying to overcome it.I used this server to relieve my stress from everyday life on people that maybe didn't deserver it. I came here today, to say this to the people that I've done wrong: I am sorry and I apologize, and even though you might not care about what I say now, I at least know I have tried.
I have made this thread, because some friends, players, telling me they want me back, and that I should do whatever I can to come back, and after weeks of denying, I have found the courage to write this, and ask for an unban. I myself don't think I deserve one, but I am doing this for them in particular.
I have to apologize for the stuff I've done while on the server, I took the time while banned to process and think about everything, and this time helped me realised the fact that I actually did hurt some people, no matter if I really wanted to or not. I have indeed realised I have a problem and I am trying to overcome it.I used this server to relieve my stress from everyday life on people that maybe didn't deserver it. I came here today, to say this to the people that I've done wrong: I am sorry and I apologize, and even though you might not care about what I say now, I at least know I have tried.
I have made this thread, because some friends, players, telling me they want me back, and that I should do whatever I can to come back, and after weeks of denying, I have found the courage to write this, and ask for an unban. I myself don't think I deserve one, but I am doing this for them in particular.
Love and good vibes - xxxyamatoacion
Temat: Romaniac's Loop
Odpowiedzi: 123-07-2018, 16:00
Name: Romaniac's Loop
Type: Circuit
Location: Whetstone
(PS: The middle cut thingy is cuz of fraps ending the recording
Type: Circuit
Location: Whetstone
(PS: The middle cut thingy is cuz of fraps ending the recording

Temat: Different way of putting decals on the rear window
Odpowiedzi: 720-07-2018, 10:47
I was thinking: "The rear decals are kind of boring", I realised the fact that there is a possible way of putting them in a different way by watching a video of GTA SA itself.
As you know, the roof scoops add decals on cars in the normal GTA SA ( wheels arch angels cars ), and the Sultan's way of putting the decals on the rear window is perfect for this server.
How it would work: There would be a new section for the rear decals, where 4 or 5 decals could be added, chosen by the player.
That's pretty much it, up to the devs aka lord bartek of the PL to decide wether he wants to add this or not.
As you know, the roof scoops add decals on cars in the normal GTA SA ( wheels arch angels cars ), and the Sultan's way of putting the decals on the rear window is perfect for this server.
How it would work: There would be a new section for the rear decals, where 4 or 5 decals could be added, chosen by the player.
That's pretty much it, up to the devs aka lord bartek of the PL to decide wether he wants to add this or not.
Temat: Bugged mapping for Overdrive Bumper on Fortune.
Odpowiedzi: 519-03-2018, 20:58
Hello and thank you for your time spent reading this.
Something I like on the server is tuning cars (visually) and get them to my liking. I tried doing this with Fortune, I wanted to recreate a proper S13, and for that I tought that Overdrive bumper is perfect. A surprise I had when I found out that the bumper is bugged to Hell when it comes to vinyls. For example: You cannot make any grille because half of the vinyl maps on the bumper instead of the grille itself. Happens the same for the sides as well.
I am literally begging you to try and fix this. I know it is hard work and that you have better things to do and you are busy, but I think us, the "tuners" deserve at least this. I have donated over 7 times to support the server, with the hopes of this bumper getting repaired, but no luck yet. I've got in touch with a NFS SA staff member that told me that I need to do a thread, him actually saying "please make the thread", which means that normal players are not the only ones affected. All I ever want from this server is that fixed bumper. No Muscle, no nothing. Please try to.
Thank you for reading!
Pictures of the buggy thingy ( contains a variant of how the vinyl should look as well): https://imgur.com/a/cDMov
Post scriptum: I know it has been already tried before and things.
Something I like on the server is tuning cars (visually) and get them to my liking. I tried doing this with Fortune, I wanted to recreate a proper S13, and for that I tought that Overdrive bumper is perfect. A surprise I had when I found out that the bumper is bugged to Hell when it comes to vinyls. For example: You cannot make any grille because half of the vinyl maps on the bumper instead of the grille itself. Happens the same for the sides as well.
I am literally begging you to try and fix this. I know it is hard work and that you have better things to do and you are busy, but I think us, the "tuners" deserve at least this. I have donated over 7 times to support the server, with the hopes of this bumper getting repaired, but no luck yet. I've got in touch with a NFS SA staff member that told me that I need to do a thread, him actually saying "please make the thread", which means that normal players are not the only ones affected. All I ever want from this server is that fixed bumper. No Muscle, no nothing. Please try to.
Thank you for reading!
Pictures of the buggy thingy ( contains a variant of how the vinyl should look as well): https://imgur.com/a/cDMov
Post scriptum: I know it has been already tried before and things.