- Registration Date: 18-01-2017
- Last Visit: Yesterday, 05:56
- Offline
Razuto's Forum Info
- Group: Super Moderators
- Total Posts: 27
- Time online: 1 Month, 2 Days, 23 Hours, 5 Minutes, 40 Seconds
- Title: The Night Sky Beater
- Date of Birth:: 24-01-2002 (22 years old)
- Members Referred: 27
- Reputation: 3 [Details]
- Warning Level:
Razuto's Contact Details
- Email: Send Razuto an email.
- Private Message: Send Razuto a private message.
Additional Info About Razuto
- Sex: Male
- Location: Lima, Peru
Razuto's Signature
Lista przyjaciółW temacie: SyoOOxD Moderator Application
Odpowiedzi: 621-11-2020, 19:17
Aside from the fact that your application is well done and your English skills are good enough, it's a bit ironic for you to say that inactive people are applying for a seemingly "suspicious" reason, cuz you're no different from them. I barely saw you online on the server for short periods of time lately, and you basically retired from sv quite a long time ago, so, yeah, you're in the same situation as them (at least from my perspective).
Now, about the age of the candidates. Yeah, it's true that some of the people who were accepted were underage (including me). Age is not a determining factor, but a considerable factor that we must think about when choosing a new mod. That's when this famous and overused phrase comes together and says "Age does not determine someone's maturity." The only way to confirm if someone is mature enough is by observing their in-game behavior and ds. That's why some of the applicants were rejected by some users.
Apart from everything I've written, you're still a good fit for the rank imo. You're just a bit inactive and there are other good options to choose from. Good luck anyways.
Now, about the age of the candidates. Yeah, it's true that some of the people who were accepted were underage (including me). Age is not a determining factor, but a considerable factor that we must think about when choosing a new mod. That's when this famous and overused phrase comes together and says "Age does not determine someone's maturity." The only way to confirm if someone is mature enough is by observing their in-game behavior and ds. That's why some of the applicants were rejected by some users.
Apart from everything I've written, you're still a good fit for the rank imo. You're just a bit inactive and there are other good options to choose from. Good luck anyways.
W temacie: Squiddy's Mod Application
Odpowiedzi: 1419-11-2020, 04:14
Tbh i'm bad at remembering some things, and let's add the fact that lately I rarely join url, so yeah, I may have forgotten lol. Still I wish you good luck.
W temacie: takigosciu
Odpowiedzi: 1318-11-2020, 20:27
Prolly the best application i've seen so far. Good luck.
Temat: Rukito
Odpowiedzi: 715-04-2017, 03:16
Nickname: Rukito
Age: 15 years old.
English Skill: 8
Stats and Experience with NFS:SA 311,335 RP and 10D and 0H
How much time do you have to moderate the server?: 2-3 Hours from Monday to Saturday.
What do you do when starts spamming the chat? Well, first try to tell him/her to stop spamming please. If he/she doesn't stop, I'll mute him/her for only 5 minutes.
What do you do when someone starts insulting other players? I would ask him/her the reason why he/she has insulted. If he/she doesn't cooperate, I'll mute him/her for 10-15 minutes.
Do you have any experience? Yes, I have managed a server in minecraft and one in mta.
Which language channels can you moderate? Spanish, there's a lot of spam, flood and no control in chat. I would like to put order and peace with kindness, patience, tolerance and understanding. And of course, and always giving fun and freedom to all players of that channel.
Why do you want to join moderators team? Apart from putting order and giving freedom to the players, it is fun and entertaining to play with your friends, but always with order and respect; meet more people and relate to them. It is also worth mentioning that I am patient, fun, attentive and supportive. I am always willing to help players who have doubts (mostly new ones).
Age: 15 years old.
English Skill: 8
Stats and Experience with NFS:SA 311,335 RP and 10D and 0H
How much time do you have to moderate the server?: 2-3 Hours from Monday to Saturday.
What do you do when starts spamming the chat? Well, first try to tell him/her to stop spamming please. If he/she doesn't stop, I'll mute him/her for only 5 minutes.
What do you do when someone starts insulting other players? I would ask him/her the reason why he/she has insulted. If he/she doesn't cooperate, I'll mute him/her for 10-15 minutes.
Do you have any experience? Yes, I have managed a server in minecraft and one in mta.
Which language channels can you moderate? Spanish, there's a lot of spam, flood and no control in chat. I would like to put order and peace with kindness, patience, tolerance and understanding. And of course, and always giving fun and freedom to all players of that channel.
Why do you want to join moderators team? Apart from putting order and giving freedom to the players, it is fun and entertaining to play with your friends, but always with order and respect; meet more people and relate to them. It is also worth mentioning that I am patient, fun, attentive and supportive. I am always willing to help players who have doubts (mostly new ones).