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>> NFS:SA Booster <<



  • Registration Date: 11-02-2017
  • Last Visit: 31-10-2024, 16:53
  • Offline

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Away Since: 21-06-2019 — Returns on: 31-12-3000

RaiYou's Forum Info

  • Group: Registered
  • Total Posts: 92
  • Time online: 4 Days, 5 Hours, 24 Minutes, 4 Seconds
  • Title: Member
  • Date of Birth:: 13-01-1999 (26 years old)
  • Members Referred: 4
  • Reputation: 23 [Details]
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RaiYou's Contact Details

Additional Info About RaiYou

  • Sex: Male
  • Location: Brazil

RaiYou's Signature



Lista przyjaciół

W temacie: Perfect Dyno For Manana ?

Odpowiedzi: 4

22-08-2018, 06:34

For maxed manana, try messing with aerodynamics and tyre pressure, +10 -10.

W temacie: A class car Help

Odpowiedzi: 8

20-08-2018, 10:00

(19-08-2018, 13:14)Akamataa Wrote: In a class are only 2 cars comet and turismo. Turismo is little better. Infernus, cheetach, bullet, banshee, count# are from cheat class Big Grin

Says akamataa, the cheat engineer. Bullet isn't easy tho.

W temacie: A class car Help

Odpowiedzi: 8

18-08-2018, 07:22

Comet is decent, just don't buy weight reduction in it.

W temacie: URL rooms

Odpowiedzi: 51

13-07-2018, 04:29

Even Patriot can finish a 350 URL bro, Sultan is for winning(Meta).

W temacie: URL rooms

Odpowiedzi: 51

02-06-2018, 18:25

(02-06-2018, 13:08)Akamataa Wrote: I have different idea...  make one room where all players will be matched with other ones... if u want to drive manana i u will be matched to others noobs in e class cars with simmiliar score, if theres not similar score cars in same class u will get cars from different class with simmilar score... and noobs will be paired with noob and pros with pros...

It can be based on personal top times on url or something...

This would take ages to match every person...

Temat: Theory about the magazine day count bug.

Odpowiedzi: 0

15-06-2017, 23:51

This is a already known bug for some time already, but it was never really fixed, I have 2 theories that maybe can be the problem.
1-"Negative Days": So I think theres something in the code that is making the magazine count negative days until it reach the real day 1 and proceed to day 2 and so on. I think it can be this because, using the same car same star rate and doing the magazine with this bug, seens make it stop after 3 days, then it starts counting to day 2, but what is making it count negative days I don't know...
2-"Magazine runs rate start isn't really 3.00": Like, A car with 5.00+ rate can do the magazine normally, but for some reason this bug seens to occur with cars that are with exact 3.00 rate up to 3.30 rate, I don't know why but this bug has only happened to me with cars with these rates, now with cars 3.50+ have never got this bug, maybe this can be the negative days issue, the game thinks your car have the more than 3.00 rate but at the same time it don't, so it keep counting day one until the star rate updates or something.

Well, maybe this aren't the problem at all, but is just an Idea, I got after seen this bug quite often recently, I hope this can help.

Temat: 13 reason to add El Niño/La Niña

Odpowiedzi: 30

08-06-2017, 06:39

[Image: latest?cb=20120213124534&path-prefix=en]
1- It's an NFS car.
2- It's Cool.
3- It's Old school.
4- Just like others like Counthash and Buggy, it's quite 'unique'.
5- Handling sucked at NFS 3(Could it be similar to counthash) but had a super top speed.
6- It was fun driving it.
7- Design is sexy ASF.
8- Unbalanced? Make it an unique uniqued car :v(Hardest car to find for example)
9- Prototypes/Fictional/Concept cars is always fun.
10- It was never talked about since NFS High Stakes, it could have some love again :/
11- Could Replace a Hotring Racer for example.
12- The major thing here is, it IS a NFS car.
13- Did I already said that this car is cool?

Temat: Tab to see what tracks you have the best lap times on

Odpowiedzi: 2

28-05-2017, 04:15

This way you can see how many records you have, and with what car etc.

Temat: RaiYou

Odpowiedzi: 5

15-04-2017, 04:00



English skill (1-10):8/9

Your stats and experience with NFS:SA:I have 334k rp, time spent is 9 days 15 hours 34 minutes and I play NFSSA about 3 months by now.

How much free time do you have to moderate server?I don't have a job yet, so I can logging everyday, I usually play 3/4 hours per day.

What do you do when someone starts spamming messages on chat?: I give the person a warning, then a mute for 15 min.

What do you do when someone starts insulting other players?: I Give the person a mute for 30 min, if he persists a ban for 1 hour.

Do you have any experience (if yes, describe): In Moderation Yes, I have Moderated and Administrated 5 servers in my life, 2 in 'samp' and 3 in 'priston tale' with more than 150 players every day, I am used to this thing, I mean, I now what to do when it 'involes people/players' and also I am a moderator of my crew.

Which language channels can you moderate?: Portuguese and Global (I keep seen people from my language talking in Global, so I can warn then)

Why do you want to join moderators team? (at least 100 words):Well, NFSSA was being my hobby for 3 months by now, It is really incredible the vibe this server has, it gives so much nostalgia from old Need for speeds, also gives me much nostalgia from Nfs:world who was my favorite online game ever, also the people who play here are really nice and have really good taste of art, the experience you have playing in this server is so nice, I would love to be close to the moderators team, even give some suggestions sometime, I'm really willing to help, I have a lot of experience in moderating as I said just above, I usually try to help people, give tips and etc.