(08-11-2020, 18:15)kayra999 Wrote: Underway
Love this one. Should be very fun to drive through, especially using the Club or a similar finetuned car. This route might do good for a challenge series or, (if I thought of this earlier myself), grip sessions event. The simplistic look makes it even better. Being a fan of this particular one.
(08-11-2020, 18:15)kayra999 Wrote: Flare Top
This one is about twice as big compared to the Underway but has some interesting stuff included, such as the narrow alley usage and the cool shortcut @ 1:18, which I didn't even notice before you showed the reverse route. As for the reverse, the building @ 1:44 really confused me. Not sure if it should stay like that or not. Also, I wanted to ask if the alley @ 0:17 and 2:00 is a legit shortcut or it's supposed to be blocked? Would be a cool unmarked/hidden thing. Some of the old maps had hidden shortcuts like this.
(08-11-2020, 18:15)kayra999 Wrote: Green Sabre
Sad story time: I was planning to use about 50% of this route for the possible GS3 event. Well, I guess so much for that

Still, a very cool one, glad to see you're being creative with your maps. There's a few visual things that I'd personally change about it. The palm trees @ 0:11 are simply too tall and I'd suggest scaling them down a bit or using a different palm tree model. IIRC, there's plenty of them in the editor. Another moment is @ 0:28, the bushes and trees are huge and being cloned like that they look really unnatural. This shouldn't be too hard to change. Overall, I'm happy to see this one being released. It shows that some people here still care to find the new routes without doing some crazy/ugly/laggy terraforming.
(08-11-2020, 18:15)kayra999 Wrote: Plaza Way
Can't comment much on this one really. Like, it's a big map with lots of wide straights, which means it's heavily based around the nitros usage (not a fan of such maps personally). Visuals-wise it's mostly clean and has 0 traffic on the roads, so people shouldn't complain about bad frames. I guess it should do alright for the map pool.