Tuning Meet-Up
We would like to announce, that there will be a big tuning meet-up next week on Saturday (29th of July - 7pm (UTC+1)).
Organized by Nexoon and myself. It will contain a contest of the best looking cars on the event and drifting at the end.
We are meeting in the Foster Valley on a big parking below San Fierro (Check pictures below to see where it's located at).
- Meeting at Foster Valley parking
- Starting contest about best looking car
- Driving together to Mulholland Intersection parking
- Drifting at destination in Los Santos
- Revealing the winners of the contest (giving prizes)
We line up on the parking lot and chill for 15-30 minutes to wait for more players.
Nexoon and I will pick 15 of the best looking cars. (Staff can't participate)
We will post a link of a poll in the chat, with all 15 players on it.
You have to open the link and vote for the best looking car in your opinion.
The poll will last until the whole event is over after the drifting in Los Santos.
In LS we will hang out and drift under the highway on the parking lot.
After 30 Minutes of drifting we will name the winners and give them the prizes.
The prizes are:
- 7 days of premium for the first place,
- 5 days of premium for the second place,
- 3 days of premium for the third place.
Location of the tuning meet-up (Event-start)
The route and destination: Mullholand Intersection parking lot in Los Santos
Important! - Tips to get more FPS during the meet-up
FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions)
Event leaded by Nexoon and deadboy. Special thanks to bartekPL.