10-10-2017, 21:24
Liczba postów: 617
Liczba wątków: 19
Dołączył: Jan 2017
Before i continue, lemme give the chronology of it first. So, i was doing a max 300 URL. It took quite some time, about 15 minutes-ish since we used slow cars. And then there's this guy who cannot even finish any single race from the 3 races and getting 0 points in the end of tournament. I feel sorry for him for racing with us in a full 15 minutes and gets 0$ and RP in return.
So, my suggestion is, give rewards for those who cannot made it to finish line as well. "But AFK players can get a lot for doing nothing then?" I thought about that too and i have the solution. Make the rewarding system to not based to only points, but based on both points and distance traveled or something. That way everyone can get rewarded and winning is still something worth to achieve.
This should encourage newbies to play more URL since most of them won't bother coming because they know that they won't win anything from it.
10-10-2017, 21:58
Liczba postów: 183
Liczba wątków: 15
Dołączył: Jul 2017
up up for this!
"...Make the rewarding system to not based to only points, but based on both points and distance traveled or something. That way everyone can get rewarded and winning is still something worth to achieve."
and also if I may add,
since new players, maybe, don't know about the needs of going into Freerun and get to nearest stadium for joining URL event, not only that, and also about the time of URL, so my idea is
for the players under 20k RP, they will be provided with a button which says "Join URL" directly from inside the Main Menu/Safehouse
that's my 2 cents
10-10-2017, 22:08
Liczba postów: 617
Liczba wątków: 19
Dołączył: Jan 2017
It seems nice too, but may create some misunderstanding like "i cannot join URL after 20k, the button is gone" or something like that lol .The URL icon itself is quite hardly visible on the map because of nametags blocking imo, no wonder why they have a hard time to find one.
11-10-2017, 04:52
Liczba postów: 23
Liczba wątków: 5
Dołączył: Mar 2017
(10-10-2017, 21:24)scaftz napisał(a): Before i continue, lemme give the chronology of it first. So, i was doing a max 300 URL. It took quite some time, about 15 minutes-ish since we used slow cars. And then there's this guy who cannot even finish any single race from the 3 races and getting 0 points in the end of tournament. I feel sorry for him for racing with us in a full 15 minutes and gets 0$ and RP in return.
So, my suggestion is, give rewards for those who cannot made it to finish line as well. "But AFK players can get a lot for doing nothing then?" I thought about that too and i have the solution. Make the rewarding system to not based to only points, but based on both points and distance traveled or something. That way everyone can get rewarded and winning is still something worth to achieve.
This should encourage newbies to play more URL since most of them won't bother coming because they know that they won't win anything from it.
Maybe can be something like, If the map have 5 Laps in URL. The system check if the player was completed the race, give to then all RP what he can get ( 100% of the RP ), so If the max RP you could get is 100 ( 1st for example ), you will get 100RP ( 100% of RP). And If the player can't complete the race, check laps concluided and reduces the maximum RP that he can get, in case he can get finish the race.
my english isn't good, so idk If you understand what i said.
11-10-2017, 06:52
Liczba postów: 617
Liczba wątków: 19
Dołączył: Jan 2017
So it's based on how many laps reached right? It will work too. Whatever what method, my point is to reward those who actually race and not to those who went idle the whole Tournament.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 11-10-2017, 06:54 przez scaftz.)
11-10-2017, 08:08
Liczba postów: 317
Liczba wątków: 21
Dołączył: Oct 2016
It's Good idea, but even if afk player get some reward, it's not bad, because more players (even afk one) = bigger reward for winners. So I think u can just add static 300 rp and cash reward, and to this add point reward.
11-10-2017, 10:06
Liczba postów: 408
Liczba wątków: 5
Dołączył: Jun 2016
don't make url distance based
11-10-2017, 10:13
Liczba postów: 617
Liczba wątków: 19
Dołączył: Jan 2017
(11-10-2017, 10:06)susis napisał(a): don't make url distance based
(10-10-2017, 21:24)scaftz napisał(a): based on both points and distance traveled or something.
And also if you are against it, state the reason. Simply saying don't won't make miracles.
11-10-2017, 10:18
Liczba postów: 317
Liczba wątków: 21
Dołączył: Oct 2016
Btw, your idea is not bad, but I think we need simple solutions.
11-10-2017, 10:31
Liczba postów: 617
Liczba wątków: 19
Dołączył: Jan 2017
Such as?
Honestly i don't feel like giving AFK players rewards since it's kinda.. you know, unfair. Imagine everyone is trying their best racing while the idling guy gets the same rewards for doing nothing.
If there's no other choice then probably yeah, i will vote for your idea of static rewards.