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Lista przyjaciół

W temacie: GTA V Style Custom tires.

Odpowiedzi: 4

12-01-2021, 15:01

But it's just a texture. If default tire got NFS tire texture, you can modify model and add more.
It's my opinion.
I think it's possible, but...
Someone is lazy AF...

W temacie: GTA V Style Custom tires.

Odpowiedzi: 4

11-01-2021, 16:46

Hi, Hey, Hello.

I thinking about writing this some time.
As we know on NFSSA Tires and Rims are different model, so there's no problem to "change" tires texture.
In GTA V was few custom style tires


[Image: hlz7jrjdrdg51.jpg]

Maybe it's possible to add in future this suggestion?
White Stripes looks good in Old cars.
Brand name (ex. Falken) looks dope on "tuned".

More examples:

[Image: 1404061216_2.jpg]

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

[Image: TRW-2100.jpg]

[Image: 61NyvxzAEqL._AC_SL1024_.jpg]

[Image: yokohama-tire-lettering-advan-bmw-m3@2x....1583348843]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrjH7l0Fn1OBQjA9EWeGL...Q&usqp=CAU]

W temacie: Im back :)

Odpowiedzi: 3

10-03-2020, 18:57

Hey Lizzy,
Glad to see you back Wink

W temacie: Help us with vinyls!

Odpowiedzi: 168

03-02-2020, 13:20

license plates
(( Work In Progress))

UK License Plates

[Image: 7Aennkr.png]

[Image: wAvfHUG.png]

German License Plate

[Image: NnhMOBD.png]

Polish License Plates

[Image: 9OiKHVz.png]

[Image: 7lxu2WF.png]
I Hope you enjoy. If you got any sugestion just write below or send PM.

W temacie: End of NFS Sa is near

Odpowiedzi: 20

13-10-2019, 20:43

It's just edited video...

Temat: GTA V Style Custom tires.

Odpowiedzi: 4

11-01-2021, 16:46

Hi, Hey, Hello.

I thinking about writing this some time.
As we know on NFSSA Tires and Rims are different model, so there's no problem to "change" tires texture.
In GTA V was few custom style tires


[Image: hlz7jrjdrdg51.jpg]

Maybe it's possible to add in future this suggestion?
White Stripes looks good in Old cars.
Brand name (ex. Falken) looks dope on "tuned".

More examples:

[Image: 1404061216_2.jpg]

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

[Image: TRW-2100.jpg]

[Image: 61NyvxzAEqL._AC_SL1024_.jpg]

[Image: yokohama-tire-lettering-advan-bmw-m3@2x....1583348843]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrjH7l0Fn1OBQjA9EWeGL...Q&usqp=CAU]

Temat: Offroad / WRC Class

Odpowiedzi: 4

18-08-2019, 12:55

Hey there.

Probably this idea was several times, but ...
But why not irritate people and the team Tongue

So yes ...
We have Offroad mode, however it is almost abandoned.
I have been thinking for some time whether it would be a good idea to do the WRC category.
It's more about the car conversions we have in the garage.
Offroad and WRC cars could race together.
It is known that there are routes that are adapted for high suspension. You could edit or create exceptions where these two categories could participate together.
I can already see these Manana Rally with additional headlights and mudflaps Tongue

Yes I know...
It is rather an idea that will never be added, but what do you think about it ??
Maybe someday the crew will decide to refresh the offroad mode.

What do you think about that??

Temat: Hot Pursuit Mode

Odpowiedzi: 4

12-04-2019, 23:50

[Image: sTWNMxg.png]

Welcome on the other side of the barricade!

Are you a good driver? Do you have experience in running fast cars? Are not you afraid of challenges?
It's work for you!
Do you want to join our ranks ?!
Nothing easier.

And seriously Wink
I have been thinking about this proposal for a long time.
It's a bit of boring time on the server. There was nothing interesting introduced.
It's time to change.
Here is my suggestion.
It provides an accessible part, which is the last part of NFS in which you could play the Policeman.
I'm talking about Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Due to the fact that police have been added some time ago, what are the roles that they can not reverse?

As if it could look like.
In the Original Game (NFSHP / High Stakes), we played the Policeman who would circulate on the relevant map at the time when they violated traffic regulations.
There were probably 8 to stop on one map.
Due to the fact that bots do not go here and can be a problem with them, you need to convert a bit.

As if it could look like.
Circuit race, 4 players are escaping, 1 or 2 are chasing them.
In this case, a system will be created that will not be moved by the car.
Each race in the Hot Pursuit mode would bring RP and $, but the RP went through our second account as a policeman.
For RP data we could unlock new cars and Tuning them and here my little suggestion, by preparing ready tuning options, eg 3 versions for each police car.
He looked after himself with painting. Prepared versions of painting.

In the further development phase of the mode, it can be performed with support, road blocks, etc.

It's so preliminary.
What do you think about it?


Temat: ND4SPD: San Andreas - Hot Pursuit Mode

Odpowiedzi: 2

12-04-2019, 23:47

[Image: sTWNMxg.png]

Witaj po drugiej stronie barykady!

Jesteś dobrym kierowcą? Masz doświadczenie w prowadzeniu szybkich samochodów? Nie boisz się wyzwań?
To praca dla ciebie!
Chcesz wstąpić w nasze szeregi?!
Nic prostszego.

A tak na poważnie Wink
Od dłuższego czasu zastanawiam się nad tą propozycją.
Jakiś czas już wieje troszkę nudą na serwerze. Nie było nic ciekawego wprowadzonego.
Czas to zmienić.
Oto moja propozycja.
Zapewne część z was zna, a młodsi znają ostatnią część NFS'a w której można było wcielić się w Policjanta.
Mowa o Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Z racji, że dodana została jakiś czas temu policja na serwer, to czemu by nie odwrócić ról?

Jakby to mogło wyglądać.
W Originalnej grze (NFSHP / High Stakes) wcielaliśmy się w Policjanta, który krążąc po danej mapie miał za zadanie w jak najszybszym czasie zatrzymać kierowców, którzy łamali przepisy ruchu drogowego.
Było ich chyba 8 do zatrzymania na jednej mapce.
Z racji, że boty nie zdadzą się tutaj i może być z nimi problem, trzeba to troszeczkę przerobić.

Jakby to mogło wyglądać.
Wyścig typu Circuit, 4 graczy ucieka, 1 bądź 2 ich ściga.
W tym przypadku trzeba byłoby zrobić system uszkodzeń, po którym autko nie ruszyło by z miejsca.
Każdy wyścig w trybie Hot Pursuit przynosiłby RP oraz $, ale to RP szło by na nasze drugie konto, jako policjant.
Za dane RP mogli byśmy odblokowywać nowe radiowozy oraz Tuningować je i tutaj moja mała sugestia, by przygotować gotowe opcje tuningu, np. 3 wersje dla każdego radiowozu.
Z malowaniem wyglądało by podobnie. Przygotowane wersje malowań.

W późniejszym etapie rozwoju trybu, można by wykorzystać wsparcie, typu blokady drogowe itp.

To tak wstępnie.
Co o tym sądzicie??

>>>> Wątek Angielski <<<<

Temat: .LOD mod dla MTA

Odpowiedzi: 0

12-04-2019, 22:48

Istnieje jakiś mod bądź komenda, by wymusić na MTA wczytywanie lepszych obiektów szybciej?
Mam ustawione wszystko na max plus NFSSA ma podkręcone wszystko na max, jednak nadal są problemy z tym.
Trawa która pojawia się 20m przed autem itp, itd.

.LOD Mod jest dla single, jednak zapewne na MTA on nie zadziała.
Ktoś, coś?